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David Wenham in Russia


August, 11, 2013

(Auckland, New Zealand, August 10-11, 2013)
Special thanks to @BigScreenSNZ and @fraserStCbrown


"Imagination is the key to acting. Give up if you don't have a furtive imagination." David Wenham. #bigscreenNZ


“Great acting advice passed from John Meillon to John Hargreaves to David Wenham: "Listen. Listen real. Think. Think real." #BigScreenNZ


Wenham: Australians and Kiwis speak slowly and when we step in front of a camera we speak even slower #BigScreenNZ


Wenham is absolutely effusive about directing The Turning. Some fascinating insights about directing Hugo Weaving #BigScreenNZ


Wenham just screened part of his segment from The Turning. His inspiration for the two shot dialogue scene was Hunger #BigScreenNZ


"Emily Barkclay is f***ing great." David Wenham. #bigscreenNZ too right.


“Doesn't matter what level you're at, actors need to stay match-fit between jobs. Make your own work!” - David Wenham #bigscreenNZ


Wenham still surprised he became a leading man as he sees himself as a character actor. Desperately wants to do comedy! #BigScreenNZ


"A lot of actors are really good at screen tests and that's all they're good at" -David Wenham


Wenham is giving 110% to this session. Impressive #BigScreenNZ


#davidwenham amazing actor inspiring speaker @BigScreenSNZ


"My theatre training helped enormously with the task of helping to produce my film." - #DavidWenham #BigScreenNZ


"I believe that the best actors are slightly insecure, it gives you access to a wider variety of emotions." - #DavidWenham #BigScreenNZ


"The best actors are children, children can easily dispel their belief system, they can easily access their imagination." - #DavidWenham


"It's harder to act well as you get older, if you're aware of that it makes you work harder, you have to learn to keep yourself fit." – DW


"When I was a kid my father used to go to the library book shop and buy a box of books on acting for $2 each for me to read." - #DavidWenham


"I do believe film has the power to change people, and to change people's lives." - #DavidWenham #BigScreenNZ


“Actors have a primal need to tell stories” #RobynMalcom #DavidWenham #BigScreenNZ


"As I've gotten older it's actually become harder to do accents, I recently read a book called The Brain That Changes Itself it talks about things you can do to open new pathways in your brain - so I started learning to play piano, and about two months into learning, all of a sudden my ear for dialects and accents came back." - #DavidWenham


"Do you believe as an actor that you can play anything?" - #RobynMalcolm "No." - #DavidWenham #BigScreenNZ


David Wenham talking about a guy that used to take his pet teaspoon for a walk #BigScreenNZ


Wenham is talking about his Russian fan club. #BigScreenNZ


"I have a Russian fan club, & I was blown away that some of them flew all the way to Australia to see me in a play recently!" - #DavidWenham


"It's about where I'm at in my storytelling career - as an actor, you're a relatively disempowered person. I want to be in a position now, where I have a story I want to tell, and I want it to be that story. I want to empower the whole cast and crew to come on a journey with me that is completely collaborative."


'I'm trying now to forget everything I've learned technically, be less camera aware' #DavidWenham #BigScreenNZ


"I want to get back to being ignorant of what the DP, Director etc are doing, I'm trying to forget everything I know technically." - #DW


"I don't need a gym, just a hotel room" - #DavidWenham on staying fit and maintaining his good looks! #BigScreenNZ